Trim/Cut Methodology

L-Cuts: 2nd leg (fine cut segment) perpendicular to 1st leg (coarse cut segment)

Curved L-Cuts: L-cut with radial corner, minimizes micro-cracking at corner

Plungecuts: Straight cut parallel to resistor width, perpendicular to direction of current flow

Scancuts: Raster motion, wide cuts, typical on high-power or geometrically-sensitive RF circuits

Serpentine Cuts: Plunge cuts, alternate sides, high dynamic range

U-Cuts: Inverted ā€œUā€ starts / stops outside resistor, minimum accuracy but maximum stability

Non-Orthogonal Plungecuts: Cuts @ angles other than standard X / Y, typical on wiper circuits

Ladder Cuts: Step-function link trim, typical on passive resistor networks

Predict / Incremental: Cut-Measure repeat cycle, typical on active trim / tight-tolerance

High Resolution: Predict / Incremental trim @ 0.14um incrementation

Radial: Radial resistor trimming / pattern etch

Read more about Laser Wafer Trimming